Steri-Clean has the only effective protocol and training to ELIMINATE the viruses from any environment. 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a virus that affects the respiratory tract and is spread with person to person contact.
Symptoms: According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) reported illnesses have ranged from people with little to no symptoms to people being severely ill and dying. Symptoms may appear in as few as 2 days or as long as 14 after exposure. Symptoms can include: fever, cough and shortness of breath.
Prevention & Treatment
There is currently no vaccine to prevent 2019-nCoV Coronavirus infection. The CDC believes the best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to the virus and recommends everyday preventative actions to help prevent from spreading:
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
Avoid close contact with people who appear to be sick
Stay at home if you are sick
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, throw the tissue in the trash, then wash your hands thoroughly
Clean and apply disinfectant to commonly touched objects and surfaces (See next paragraph)
Steri-Clean Services for Microorganisms & COVID-19
If there is an outbreak of any size in your area or you need additional information about mass decontamination, please contact Steri-Clean’s knowledgeable technicians to get additional information. We can provide the following services for homes, businesses, warehouses, public transportation, and more.
• 24 Hour response serving with dozens of offices throughout the country
• Thorough cleaning to remove biofilms from all surfaces
• Trained technicians to use and apply the appropriate disinfectant for the COVID-19 virus, both L and S strains
• Application of disinfectants through one or more delivery methods including electrostatic, mist, fogging, and direct spray.
• Surface testing to confirm efficacy of our cleaning processes*
*Steri-Clean utilizes ATP monitoring to assure surfaces are clean before and after our disinfectants are applied. ATP monitors test for Adenosine Triphosphate which is stored energy found in every cells. While viruses do not contain cells, the removal of biofilms and cellular activity on all surfaces assures our disinfectants can properly kill the viruses.
Human Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
About Coronavirus: What You Need to Know
For additional details, contact us today. 1-888-577-7206
Superbugs like MRSA, C-diff
Modern medical science fights bacteria using antibiotics, but as medicine progresses, bacteria finds new ways to survive. This ability of bacteria to develop a resistance and, in some cases, immunity to antibiotics happens naturally. Over time, bacteria develop new strains which can survive current drugs, making them less effective or useless in treating the sicknesses caused by these bacteria.
These strains of bacteria that can resist the most common current medical treatments are often called “Superbugs.” They lead to well-known bacterial infections such as MRSA and C-diff.
Additionally, dangerous diseases such as histoplasmosis, hantavirus, toxoplasmosis, and E-coli can dwell where proper sanitation is not maintained. That is why professional superbug cleanup is imperative.
Steri-Clean has been cleaning superbugs and disinfecting hazardous environments for more than 20 years. We use our proprietary method and a hospital-grade, EPA certified disinfectant to ensure that residential, commercial, and industrial spaces are safe to occupy. Testing processes, including swabbing of the most vulnerable surfaces, is performed before and after cleaning to be certain that it is safe to return to using the treated facility.
What are the dangers of a superbug?
According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), superbugs in the United States claim the lives of over 20,000 of the more than two million people infected each year. These deaths and the development of new superbug strains can be largely be attributed to the misuse of antibiotics and the improper sanitary practices.
Bacterial infections like MRSA, CRE, VRE, E. coli H30-Rx, and others can be especially hard to contain because outbreaks tend to occur in gyms, kitchens, communal showers, schools, and other high-traffic areas where skin may be directly exposed to bacteria. In the case of an outbreak of a drug resistant bacterial infection, it is extremely important to thoroughly sanitize the facility before returning to regular use.
The longer a superbug remains in these areas, the higher the risk of transmission. It is imperative that the facility is thoroughly disinfected as soon as a superbug is identified. When performing superbug cleanup services in these facilities, one must assume that every surface is affected. This ensures that the hazard remediated and it is safe to resume normal operations in the area.
Conventional methods of sanitation are not enough
Individuals can do their part to prevent the spread of superbugs through frequent handwashing with soap and water, avoiding sharing personal hygiene items, and using antibiotics only as prescribed by a physician. However, viruses and bacteria can thrive for up to two hours on many common surfaces, and individual preventative measures are not enough to ensure proper disinfection.
Bacteria do not only develop resistance to antibiotics; many strains resist strong household and commercial disinfectants. Bleach and other harsh chemicals can discolor surfaces and damage materials, making them more likely to become hosts to harmful bacteria in the future. In addition, Superbugs can often survive after multiple treatments with these chemicals.
Established in 1995, Steri-Clean’s experienced superbug cleanup professionals train each technician to use state-of-the-art tools and medical grade chemical disinfectants to adequately disinfect every square inch. Without the proper tools, liquid disinfectants will run off vertical surfaces.
Even with the correct chemicals, if the surface is not treated for the proper time, superbugs can continue to thrive.
Our Oklahoma superbug cleanup technicians use equipment to statically charge the disinfectant, ensuring it will adhere to and remain on vertical surfaces long enough to kill all harmful bacteria.
Our services have been trusted by hospitals, medical practices, schools and offices to bring their facilities back to safe, working order after being occupied by the most dangerous superbugs. We have experienced staff and highly trained technicians to provide the essential services when there is no room for error.
During the Ebola outbreak between 2014 and 2016, Steri-Clean’s technicians cleaned and disinfected areas of the hospital where aid workers infected with the virus were quarantined and treated.
When it comes to superbugs, cutting corners can be deadly. It is important to get the job done right the first time. Time is of the essence- if your facilities have been affected by a superbug, you have no time to waste. Call the professionals at Steri-Clean Oklahoma at (888) 577-7206.
Steri-Clean Oklahoma is locally owned and operated with technicians that live in the same communities that we service. Currently our technicians reside in Oklahoma City, Edmond, Moore, Norman and Tulsa.